Monday, April 11, 2011

Beginning to End


At the beginning of the year, my partner and I wanted to make a game about footaball. We changed out mind because three other groups in our class were doing the same thing. We thought a game about shopping would be more unique. Since then, we have made many improvements, and are moving forward. Here are the improvements that we have made.

First, we acually started working on our game. When we first started out, we didn't really pay much attention to the details of the process, but later on we cared. I don't know what got us motivated, but now we work on the game everyday and create alot of scenes. Currently, we are caught up with the rest of the class and the game is almost completed. We just have a couple more scenes to attach.

The most important improvement that we have made to the game was making it a non-quizical. When we first started making it, it was just a simple "click the right button and go to the next level" type of game. Mr. Addair told us to go to to find different interactions to put into the game. Now, we have a drag and drop scene. We also have a hittest scene. That was really helpful to our game.

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